The following /v2/agents API reference is to control your agent.

Make sure to replace the {agent_id} with the agent ID you want to interact with, and are always on the correct region url.

EU Region:

NA Region:

If you use the incorrect endpoint the API will not work.


  • You can either use your workspace secret or agent secret to authorize any request for agents.

Agent Platforms

  • If your agent is VF type we recommend directly using the Voiceflow’s API for querying the KB.
  • You can currently interact with VG through either the built in AI engine or through Voiceflow, the agentPlatform defines how the agent will interact and function across the whole service.
  • The interact API of voiceflow inspires how we interact with VF/VG agents, when you do an interact POST request the action property functions the same as that on Voiceflow’s end.

Knowledge Base

  • The knowledge base is a collection of documents that the agent can use to answer user queries.
  • You can either search the KB or directly search the vector store to reutnr the most highest similarity chunks.
  • By default all agents have a 1536 dimension vector store, the text inserted is also chunked into 1024 characters with overlapping of 50 chars, using the langcahin recursiveTextSplitter


  • All the transcripts of any channel are stored by default.
  • You can also insert a new conversation transcript to the agent yourself (although not recommended as its done automatically when you interact across any channel)
  • Popular usecase for the conversations API is to export the conversations and send them via email or in a google sheet.


  • The analytics API is used to get the analytics of the agent, you can get the analytics of the agent by day, week, month, or year.
  • You can also insert your own analytics data to the agent.
  • There are 2 types of analytics that we store:
    • Load Analytics: Analysation of your website traffic if you deploy using the popup, even if the user doesn’t interacts with the agent it still records useful insights liek geo-analytics.
    • Conversation Analytics: Whenever the user starts interacting with the agent the conversation analytics kicks in to gather information like interactions number or average time per conversation.