Create/Edit Analytics
Add analytics to a conversation for an agent
Agent/Workspace secret API key as bearer token.
Path Parameters
The ID of the agent to add the analytics to
The ID of the conversation associated with the analytics to be added
Type of analytics whether its a load on website or the conversation analytics/metadata.
, convo
The user's browser information.
The country code associated with the user's location.
Timestamp of the first message sent by the user.
The number of interactions made by the user. (messages from user only)
The IP address of the user.
The language code indicating the user's language.
Timestamp of the last message sent by the user.
The channel origin of the message.
, whatsapp
, discord
, gb-chat
The platform or device used by the user.
Timestamp indicating when the analytic load occurred.
The associated conversation id/user id with the.